Akshay Kumar has played the role of a son-in-law to perfection. Besides being there for late Rajesh Khanna in his last days, the actor has also made a special effort for Kaka’s innumerable fans. He placed several diaries outside Khanna’s bungalow, Aashirwad, for his fans to pen down their favorite memories of him.
“They (the fans) wanted to meet Akshay and the other members from the family. Since that was going to be impossible, he decided to give it a personal touch by arranging for the diaries,” says an insider close to family.
“They (the fans) wanted to meet Akshay and the other members from the family. Since that was going to be impossible, he decided to give it a personal touch by arranging for the diaries,” says an insider close to family.
Four diaries have already been filled with messages. One of the special messages, which has apparently touched Akshay, reads: “Sir, my mornings won’t be the same again since I won’t be able to see you having tea on the terrace on Aashirwad. We will miss you.”
Apparently, after being kept out for 15 days, the diaries have now been taken indoors because of the rains. “Let’s see if Akshay wants to leave them out again. He is yet to take a call on that,” adds the insider.
The family even plans to take this a step further, “If and when a museum comes up at Aashirwad, all the diaries will be retained for other fans to read,” insists the source.
However, there has been no official word on plans to convert Aashirwad into a museum. Akshay, on his part, remained unavailable for comment.
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