The drama in Akshay Kumar’s career has been no short of a Bollywood plot — the actor has seen the highest highs and lowest lows. After enjoying the status of the most bankable actor in the industry for several years, his career nosedived after a spate of flops such as Action Replayy and Tees Maar Khan. But Housefull 2, followed by Rowdy Ra
thore, got him back in the game. And now, the khiladi wants to make the most of his “bankable” tag. The buzz is that Akshay has hiked his fees to an obnoxious Rs + 40 crore, which makes him the highest paid actor in the industry.
Apparently, he hiked his price to avoid mediocre films and film-makers. “He knows that not many film-makers can afford his price. The ones who can will be the top-notch ones,” says a source. As of now, the actor is focusing all his energy on his home production Oh My God. “He is concentrating on the home production because he is the sole investor and profit holder in that project.”
Since his upcoming film Joker is ready for release, actress Sonakshi Sinha and Chitrangada Singh have taken on the role of promotions, the source informs. Akshay’s strategy is indicative that from now on he wants profits to be the prime focus. “Barring friends like Sajid Khan, Akshay won’t compromise on his fees,” the source adds. Call them greedy or smart — our actors sure know the tricks of the trade.
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