Actor Akshay Kumar, who has won praises for the way he has conducted himself during father-in-law Rajesh Khanna's illness and eventual death on July 18, lost his cool at a recent outing after being quizzed about the property dispute that Mr Khanna's family is currently embroiled in.
The Khanna clan have maintained a discreet silence in the face of remarks from Mr Khanna's alleged companion Anita Advani and also from actress Deepti Naval, both of who have said that Rajesh Khanna's Bandra residence Aashirwaad should be turned into a museum.
At the recent DVD launch of Rowdy Rathore, Akshay, who has been the family spokesperson so far, was asked for a reaction but no one expected the one they got.
"It's not a thing to talk about. I request you with folded hands sir if you cannot talk about this so we are gonna talk about- it's written here 'Don't angry me, buy DVD of Rowdy Rathore'. So, I think you are educated enough to see it what we have come here for, so we will only talk about this. I am sorry to say I cant talk about this at all," said an annoyed Akshay.
Last week, Ms Advani had rubbished allegations that she wanted Mr Khanna's property for herself. Soon after Mr Khanna died, Anita Advani reportedly sent the Khanna clan a legal notice in order to safeguard against her possible eviction from Aashirwaad.
Mr Khanna died at home in Mumbai on July 18, 2012. He was 69 and had been battling cancer.
The Khanna clan have maintained a discreet silence in the face of remarks from Mr Khanna's alleged companion Anita Advani and also from actress Deepti Naval, both of who have said that Rajesh Khanna's Bandra residence Aashirwaad should be turned into a museum.
At the recent DVD launch of Rowdy Rathore, Akshay, who has been the family spokesperson so far, was asked for a reaction but no one expected the one they got.
"It's not a thing to talk about. I request you with folded hands sir if you cannot talk about this so we are gonna talk about- it's written here 'Don't angry me, buy DVD of Rowdy Rathore'. So, I think you are educated enough to see it what we have come here for, so we will only talk about this. I am sorry to say I cant talk about this at all," said an annoyed Akshay.
Last week, Ms Advani had rubbished allegations that she wanted Mr Khanna's property for herself. Soon after Mr Khanna died, Anita Advani reportedly sent the Khanna clan a legal notice in order to safeguard against her possible eviction from Aashirwaad.
Mr Khanna died at home in Mumbai on July 18, 2012. He was 69 and had been battling cancer.
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